About: Donovan is one of the sweetest, funniest, most caring, and kind children that you could ever be privileged enough to meet. He was diagnosed with cancer this past October. The type of cancer he has is called Neuroblastoma and it is located in his bone marrow. He had surgery to remove a tumor that was located on his spine, and has already undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy. Donovan will be spending all of this spring either in the hospital or in isolation. He is currently amidst intense treatment, including strong chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. If you can, please find it in your hearts to join us in supporting Donovan and his family!
Follow his Journey. God Bless!
Special Treat: Donovan is one of our Sam’s Kid selected for the month of May 2018. He is currently amidst intense chemotherapy treatment and long hospital stays. His weakened immune system keeps him isolated from his friends and public places. He requested an Amazon Gift Card to purchase Virtual Reality Games that he can play with his little brother- a small escape for such a fierce fighter!
Back to Sam's KidsAbout: Donovan is one of the sweetest, funniest, most caring, and kind children that you could ever be privileged enough to meet. He was diagnosed with cancer this past October. The type of cancer he has is called Neuroblastoma and it is located in his bone marrow. He had surgery to remove a tumor that was located on his spine, and has already undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy. Donovan will be spending all of this spring either in the hospital or in isolation. He is currently amidst intense treatment, including strong chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. If you can, please find it in your hearts to join us in supporting Donovan and his family!
Follow his Journey. God Bless!
Special Treat: Donovan is one of our Sam’s Kid selected for the month of May 2018. He is currently amidst intense chemotherapy treatment and long hospital stays. His weakened immune system keeps him isolated from his friends and public places. He requested an Amazon Gift Card to purchase Virtual Reality Games that he can play with his little brother- a small escape for such a fierce fighter!
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