Sam was very kind and generous, never wanting so much as a “Thank you”. In keeping with her spirit, Sam’s Devotions will never ask for anything in return for the acts of kindness we perform. We have been blessed with recipients that send us photos of the smile Sam’s Devotions has brought to them; that is the greatest showing of gratitude. We received so much positive feedback that we devoted a special section just to showcase these Shared Smiles. We believe this hits at the very core of our foundation, we want to share these smiles with the world.
Shared Smiles
Sam was very kind and generous, never wanting so much as a “Thank you”. In keeping with her spirit, Sam’s Devotions will never ask for anything in return for the acts of kindness we perform. We have been blessed with recipients that send us photos of the smile Sam’s Devotions has brought to them; that is the greatest showing of gratitude. We received so much positive feedback that we devoted a special section just to showcase these Shared Smiles. We believe this hits at the very core of our foundation, we want to share these smiles with the world.
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3345 Maple Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
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